I borked up my back this week, and noticed lots of writers also have back issues from the unnatural things we do to our selves writing books, so I thought I’d post some tricks to help your spine align. (Or get unborked if you like to be all technical with your words like that.)

1. Yoga: the corpse (flat on your back) and the folded leaf (kneel with your chest on your knees) are very good for just relaxing spasming muscles. Then you can do cat/cow to stretch your back both ways. I bought a book on yoga in the dark ages before the internet and before there were yoga centers everywhere. You can find a yoga instructor, buy a book, or look up how to do these online.

2. Take a walk. Walking is a very gentle way to loosen up.

3. Use a swiss ball. You can stretch your back face up and face down with suppport, then use it to sit on instead of a chair to be kind to your spine.

4. Pillows for the win. A small pillow at the small of your back for lumbar support, or a heated Bucky pillow draped along neck and shoulders do wonders.

5. For stubborn knots, get a small rubber ball and put it under you on the appropriate spot while you lay on your back on the floor. Roll your knotted muscle on it to loosen it up. (Tip from a helpful massage therapist who worked on my knots.)

6. Change positions. I’ve written standing, sitting on a swiss ball, reclined with feet up, etc. to relieve back pressure and keep from being in the same position for too long. Laptops and lap desks are wonderful for making work portable so you can move around.

7. Weights for prevention. I use the 12 Second Sequence workout, and it does a great job of gently, slowly strengthening back muscles and all your major muscle groups to prevent injuries. The kink I put in my back this week is the first time I’ve really had a problem since I started doing this workout about 2 years ago, and it’s probably the reason I got unkinked so quickly.