I’ve been gradually making healthy changes over the past couple of years. If you had a new year’s resolution to be healthier but find it hard to deal with the specifics, here are some small changes with big payoffs. I mention some brand names I use just because that’s what I use. I don’t get any kind of kickback for sharing what works for me.

1. The 12 Second Sequence. I think the total investment for the DVDs, swiss ball and weights ran around $30. The workouts are twice a week for twenty minutes. That forty minute a week commitment is easy to fit in, and if I get sick and have to drop it for a short while it’s easy to pick up again. The weights build all the major muscle groups which helps to prevent all manner of injuries. Yes, you can get injured if you sit at a desk and type all day. Having strength matters.

2. Miracle 2000 liquid vitamins. They taste gawdawful. I mean, you might actually cry the first time. But they are easy to absorb and are bearable mixed with orange juice, and I really think they’re the only reason I didn’t get pneumonia this past month. They’ve given my immunity and my energy level a big boost.

3. Fish oils, Vitamin D and magnesium. I added these to my vitamin regimen because it’s hard to get enough even if you’re taking a multivitamin and eating fish regularly. I’ve noticed a big decrease in inflammation problems since I started with fish oils. (Translation: I no longer need to use an anti-inflammatory inhaler to manage asthma symptoms.) I’ll drop the vitamin D in the spring when I’m able to get enough sun exposure, but during the winter months I’ll go back to it.

4. Eating fresh and local. This takes some planning and research and a shift in buying habits, but it is possible to start buying produce, meat, dairy, all sorts of things from local farmer’s markets and co-ops and community supported agriculture sources. You might need to invest in a freezer in order to buy in quantity, but we find that we’re actually saving money and eating much better. If you can plant a garden and grow any of your own produce, that’s another savings. Our goal is to be 95% locavores this year. No, we’re not giving up coffee or chocolate, but the bulk of our food can be bought locally. Better health comes from better food, it’s really that simple.

5. Taking a break. Overwork is an easy trap to fall into when you’re self-employed. Taking breaks during the day gives muscles and eyes a rest, and moving away from the keyboard and doing other things allows the subconscious brain to chew on fictional problems and start supplying solutions. Reading for pleasure reminds me why I love what I do in the first place. Vacations expose me to new places, new sights and sounds, new ideas and inspiration.

What healthy changes are you glad you’ve made?