I skimmed Twitter this morning, and random nouns from people I follow leaped out at me and made me laugh at their juxtaposition. So I tweeted: “I could write a really interesting poem with words I just read in my twitter stream. (coffee, bakery, vaginas, full moon, hot, synopsis)” Then I thought, hey, why not do that? I need a warmup.

First I used each noun as the last word in a line:

I have my morning coffee
I wish I was at a bakery
Why are people talking about vaginas?
It must be a full moon
I think today’s going to be hot
Glad my book already has a synopsis

Then I used the same nouns as the first word in a line:

Coffee kickstarts my morning
Bakery indulgences dance in my head, but they’ll have to remain a fantasy
Vaginas have gone mainstream, that’s reality
Full moon images on romance novel covers even hint at female power and the beast
Hot stuff, heady, except do we want to tame the beast or be the beast?
Synopsis for that book hasn’t been written yet

I think the second version’s more interesting. Using the words as a jumping-off point instead of a target may lead to more creative results, and that alone is something to experiment with.

Next time you’re looking for a writing warmup, why not harvest Twitter for a list of nouns or verbs?