There’s a black stray cat that lives around here. It’s far too wild to come near us, but it likes to hang out in our yard. I used to see it just hiding in the hostas. Then after one storm I saw it come out from under our deck, where it had taken shelter. Another time it took shelter from a thunderstorm in the gazebo under the table.

It drinks out of the birdbath, which I didn’t realize until my husband saw it go to get a drink, find it empty, and slink off. (Yes, I immediately went out and refilled it. As much as it’s rained lately, it’s still so hot that the water evaporates quickly.)

From hiding in the hostas and under the deck, Basement Cat has graduated to laying on the deck when we’re inside, and last night when I locked up for the night, I saw the now-familiar black cat curled up on the front porch.

I don’t know where the cat came from, how long it’s been wild, but it seems to feel like it has a safe place to rest around our house.

Creative people and cats have a lot in common. We all need a place to take shelter and a safe place to rest. A safe space is essential, even Basement Cat knows. It’s not possible to keep creating without support. Do you have a trusted safe place for your creativity? If not, find one! It might be right in your neighborhood.