Have I mentioned how much I’ve enjoyed my break from deadlines? I’ve rediscovered my joy in creativity and stories. I’ve rested, read, relaxed, spent time on hobbies. I’ve slept, and have realized that wherever writing time comes from in the future, it can’t come at the expense of sleeping anymore. There’s a reason sleep deprivation is considered torture.

One thing the break has proven to me is that I still really love writing and stories and it’s still really the only thing I want to do. Although I did give serious consideration to alternative career paths.

I think a periodic sabbatical is going to become part of my life. Vacations are important, having recreation and rest built into regular life is important, but a sabbatical allows enough space to truly gain perspective and insight. I’m glad I took one, for longer than it takes to catch up on sleep.

The Artist’s Way is now done and one things it’s helped me do is restructure my life to include hobbies and recreation while I get back to the business of writing. Because there is room for a lot more than work in life, and there has to be if work is to continue for a lifetime.