Satisfaction Guaranteed “Joyfully Reviewed”

Joyfully Reviewed posted a review of Satisfaction Guaranteed (still in stores). Full review here! Thanks, JR.

“Talk about fantasy island.  Each novella in Satisfaction Guaranteed comes complete with a sexy kidnapper and the woman who is his best match.  The men are sensual and the women desire them.  A perfect combination that just works in the pages of this novel.  I laughed, melted, shook my head, and fanned myself.  If this book was any hotter I would have needed a new air conditioner.  If you are a lover of closely written novellas or if you just like three really great stories, then Satisfaction Guaranteed is not to be missed” – reviewer Talia Ricci

Surfacing from the deep

I’m alive! We all got hammered by some heinous virus, but I think it’s on the way out now, leaving a little sniffling and coughing behind. It’s always fun when the whole family gets sick together. Despite this, we managed to get a tree up and decorated and wreaths and stockings hung.

I went to sign some books at a local store on Saturday and discovered that aliens stole my supply of signed by author stickers along with my bookmarks, because the only other explanation is that I’ve signed THAT MANY BOOKS. (I stick bookmarks in along with the signature, usually) This is some sort of career milestone. I was sure I’d ordered a lifetime supply. Guess I’d better get some more in because I have books galore out next year.

The list:

Jan. 09: Out of This World Lover, Pocket

March 09: Animal Attraction, St. Martin’s

June 09: Miss Lonely Hearts, Samhain

Summer 09: Claimed by the Wolf, St. Martin’s

TBA 09: Two Knights in Camelot, Ellora’s Cave

Oct. 09: Trick or Treat, Pocket

Yes, Camelot was supposed to be out this year but my life blew up. So it’s slightly delayed, but coming.

Animal Attraction ARCs!

I found a box of foundling ARCs on my doorstep. They are shiny and pretty. I think I will have 1-2 to give away, after sending ’em to booksellers, reviewers, etc. If you are a bookseller or reviewer and would like one, please let me know.

love this quote

“A man who works with his hands is a laborer. A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman. A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist.” Louis Nizer