New week!

I love Mondays. New week, new beginning. I have a new post up at Genreality this morning,
To Write or Not to Write

I hope you’ll choose to write, or otherwise use your creativity today. There are a million ways to be creative, from how you parent to how you dress. Being creative outside of writing makes it easier to be creative in writing, to take more chances.

It starts with trying to do something pretty or useful or fun, instead of trying too hard to do something great. When I was trying to write a great blog post, I got nothing. When I tried to write something fun and useful, I finished the job.

Your turn! Happy creative Monday.

Sunday quotes

Two fabulous quotes on getting (un)stuck:

“Whenever I’m willing to ask, ‘What is necessary next?’ I have moved ahead. Whenever I have taken no for a final answer, I have stalled and gotten stuck. I have learned that the key to career resiliency is self-empowerment and choice.” – Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way, Week 8)

“The first sign that you are outside of your strengths is when you can’t make yourself do the work you need to do.” – Penelope Trunk

5 TGIF Things

1. Money may not buy happiness, but $140 at Costco buys a rockin’ gel-memory foam mattress topper. A good night’s sleep = priceless. The broken mattress is still broken but it’s easier to ignore when it’s muffled and covered by (level) inches of comfort.

2. My repainted purple desk is dry and set up and ready to use. Hurrah. It used to be a white Ikea desk, much battered in move, hence the layers of purple enamel paint applied by husband. I actually like it better this way.

3. It’s supposed to be rainy this weekend. In the Pacific Northwest, in fall. Shocking, I know.

4. Rainy fall days make snuggly cats extra snuggly.

5. We are blowing off today to go see wooden boats. Because we CAN.


The mattress from hell

We haven’t slept for days and blame the mattress from hell. The foam top we put on it when it was only as hard as a board and not cursed by demons fell off the moving truck somehow. Somewhere a mover is sleeping peacefully on it and I hope he dies in his sleep.

We could put another foam top on the box of satanic springs but as my husband pointed out, that wouldn’t stop it from groaning every time either of us moved.

It’s hard to solve a problem like this mattress when you can’t think because it keeps you awake all night. But I think the answer might be to throw it out the window and set it on fire, dance around the flames, have the ground blessed afterwards, and go buy something that won’t creak, groan, heave up like a New England road after a hard winter, and twist your spine in ways even a yogi can’t untwist.

I need a new mattress. And somewhere, a deep-sleeping mover who broke the mattress and stole the memory foam pad needs killing.

Guest blog, flashback review and Happy Labor Day

I’m guesting a lot at Genreality this month. Today’s blog post is now live, on creative borrowing and mythic story origins

Also on the web, a Flashback review of Wicked Hot. Which has, yes, mythic origins.

Happy Labor Day to those in the US! The long weekend has given us a chance to do a lot of organizing and leaf-raking plus some fun outdoor stuff. Today we intend to grill and chill. And read. Enjoy your day, however you spend it. Summer is ending, we’re heading into fall, and I for one am ready.